Sunday, 15 November 2015

An 'Extra Special' Treat at Christmas.

Being almost 8 months pregnant and with Christmas coming up, we spent this weekend in the supermarket looking for bits for Christmas at Asda

Browsing the Seasonal Aisle nothing really appealed and I wanted something nice as a treat as I would be missing out on my regular Christmas treat of Brie and Alcoholic beverages. As we ventured past the bakery section there was a lady offering some samples of the Extra Special range and something new which I hadn't spotted before.

These little beauties.

I think if I hadn't been convinced to give them a try from the sampling station then they wouldn't have been purchased. The flavour and texture had me sold from the moment they went into my mouth.

You can find these in the cake section located within the bakery, in my store there was a specific section for the Extra Special Range and we also purchased the Extra Special Italian Pandoro which I will review at a later date.

My only disappointment was that they went out of date before Christmas actually arrives! Such a shame as I would have to stock up again with a pack or two......

The small tarts are literally 2 bites but are packed with flavour the salted caramel is creamy and not too sickly, paired with the delicious crumbly pastry. The ginger is not at all powerful and you are left with a slight aftertaste of the ginger which combines perfectly with the salted caramel. The white chocolate star to top the tart adds an extra layer of flavour.

If you are following a healthy diet then these scream red on the front of the box in terms of Fats, Saturates and Sugar levels but as it's christmas if you are going to have a treat then I do highly recommend these.

So the box lasted the weekend, in my defence it does state on the box that once opened they should be consumed within 3 days so I did not want to exceed this timeframe did I!

A lovely little product from Asda that will certainly be finding its way into my basket on my next visit.

Let me know if you decide to give them a try and what you think!




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